The typical Fall scenario allowed for a beautiful landing in New York. As the plane approached the city he was able to see Manhattan and the Central Park. Icons of a dream world. After he got through Immigration and Customs he found his way around rather quickly. As he rushed towards the gate H-55, where he would get his connecting flight to DC, Youseff was able to see the world passing around him, going in every direction. Strangers of all nationalities, away from home, heading somewhere, perhaps back to their families or loved ones. Or, perhaps, like him, away from them and going to an unfamiliar place, where no one knew him, except for some of the University staff, who knew about his enrollment in the International Relations Graduate Program. They had information about him, his nationality, his DOB, address, passport number, but that was all. He was going to a place strange, to him. Not only that, for a while, he would be a stranger to those around him, in that new place. He would look, speak, dress and act like a stranger. And he knew it.